Iran would only be two years away from having nuclear ballistic missiles

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According to information obtained by, the Israeli intelligence services would have elements allowing them to estimate that Iranian engineers would be only two years away from being able to board a medium-range ballistic missile, such as the Shahab 3 carrying a warhead to more than 1000 km nuclear, effectively threatening a large part of the Middle East, including Hebrew territory.

Israeli concerns about Iran's nuclear program are nothing new, and Tel Aviv has repeatedly expressed concerns about the progress made by Iranian engineers, particularly regarding the enrichment of ores and the miniaturization of equipment, allowing in particular to design a nuclear warhead implemented by a ballistic missile. But today, the information transmitted to the American Defense news site, obviously on purpose, is intended to be particularly precise. Not only does the deadline now appear particularly restricted, especially since Tehran has announced its withdrawal from the Vienna agreements following the resumption of American sanctions, but the intelligence services estimate that the nuclear warheads potentially produced in Iran will be able to equip all ballistic missiles whose diameter is greater than or equal to 4,1 m, including the Shahab-3. Note that during the attack on coalition bases in retaliation for that which killed General Soleimani, observers were surprised by Iranian ballistic missile accuracy noted.

shahab 3 MRBM 2 Defense News | Nuclear weapons | Deterrent Forces
The Shabab-3 missile is a ballistic missile with a range estimated at between 1000 and 1300 km, can potentially carry a nuclear warhead miniaturized by Iranian engineers
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