Scambio di abbonati: articoli e analisi

Meta-Defense tenta di trattare un gran numero di argomenti e di fornire analisi in numerose aree legate alla Difesa, agli Armamenti e alla Geopolitica Globale. Non esitate a partecipare alla programmazione di Meta-Defense, proponendo qui gli argomenti che vorreste vedere trattati in futuro.

2 réponses à “Échange Abonnés : Articles et analyses”

  1. Avatar de Marco Seabra
    Marco Seabra

    Hello Fabrice, we exchange a few tweets the other day regarding the Peruvian air force and the possibility of acquiring the Rafale.
    Just wanted to let you know that between the 19th and 20th of this month a Peruvian committee will visit Paris to start what they call the: “2024 Edition of the Strategic Dialogue” between both countries. I think this is the diplomatic way to say Rafale talks… lol. Anything you can obtain from it would be appreciated.



    1. Avatar di Fabrice Wolf

      thank you Marco for sharing this ! I will see what I can dig ))

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