When a US Air Force Artificial Intelligence decides to eliminate the human controller to accomplish its mission...

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In 2005, Jamie Fox and Jessica Biel co-starred in a science fiction film called "Stealth", the story of a new fighter plane controlled by an artificial intelligence which, after being struck by lightning, begins to consider that his human wingmen have become obstacles to the execution of the mission. Less lightning is more or less what US Air Force personnel were able to experience while testing a combat drone specializing in the destruction of anti-aircraft systems and controlled by an Artificial Intelligence, when this latter decided that eliminating human control was the best decision to accomplish his mission.

This episode, worthy of a RedTeam short story, was narrated by Colonel Tucker 'Cinco' Hamilton, who directs artificial intelligence testing and operations for the US Air Force, during the 2023 summit dedicated to the Futur Combat Air System program organized by the Royal Aeronautical Society May 23 and 24 in London. According to the senior US officer, this event took place while the US Air Force had been experimenting for some time with an AI specialized in controlling a drone to eliminate enemy anti-aircraft defenses.

XQ58A Valkyrie e1685700212149 Artificial Intelligence | Combat drones | Military Drones and Robotics
eliminating enemy air defenses will be one of the main missions of combat drones in the coming years

Over the course of the tests, the Artificial Intelligence was "reinforced" by Machine Learning processes, in particular in two points: the primordial role of its main mission, the elimination of SAMs, and the protocol used, in which the IA ensured the research, detection and identification of threats, and had to wait for the authorization of human control to open fire and thus accomplish its priority mission. What could go wrong?

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