What developments can be envisaged and what obstacles must be overcome for NATO?

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On the occasion of the last G7 meeting organized by videoconference on Friday February 19, the French President, Emmanuel Macron, reiterated his call to profoundly evolve NATO to give it an organization and legitimacy in line with developments in the world since the end of the Cold War and the disappearance of the Warsaw Pact. For the Head of State, the Alliance must move towards a more balanced structure between the United States and the Europeans, but also towards a wider area of ​​responsibility, in order to respond to the security challenges of the planet, with the objective to make the alliance more effective and more powerful in the years to come.

As is often the case, the French proposals were poorly received in Europe and across the Atlantic, in a mix ranging from misinterpretations of the president's remarks to the fear of destabilizing the diplomatic balance and balance of power within the alliance and on the scene. international, as well as a certain dose of bad faith on the part of certain leaders. However, how can we envisage this new NATO recommended by the French president, and what obstacles stand in the way of such an objective?

1- A more balanced NATO

The first point that the French president insisted on is based on a more balanced NATO, in its direction and in its functioning, between Europe and the United States. There is no question here of breaking with the American commitment to protect Europe if necessary, nor of renouncing Washington's nuclear umbrella, but rather of getting the Europeans to be able to ensure their own own defense, if the need arose, or if the United States, for one reason or another, could not come to the aid of its allies as it did twice, or at least not in proportions guaranteeing victory.

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If the Secretary General of NATO is a European (or Canadian), the Commander-in-Chief of the Alliance, the Suprem Allied Commander Europe, or SACEUR, is American.

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