New features for meta-defense subscribers

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New features are appearing on the Meta-Defense service:

  • Articles now remain partly searchable beyond 48 hours public access (the first 2 paragraphs)
  • Professional subscribers can now download the articles in .pdf format in particular to be able to copy and paste the content partially. The publication of .pdf in English, then in other languages, will be done gradually.
  • On the other hand, due to numerous excesses observed, the functionalities allowing copy and paste items have been disabled.
  • Coming in mid-February, all subscribers will be able to download the articles in Podcast in French.
  • Finally, since the end of the Christmas promotion period, taking out a subscription with annual payment will offer you 15 months subscription for the price of 10 months in monthly subscription.

Other features for personal and professional subscribers will be released in the coming weeks.

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