The autonomous submersible ORCA XLUUV, the American answer to the Russian Status-6?

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Not a day goes by without Defense news dealing with drones today. As the British Defense Minister announces the rapid entry into service of a system drone swarmaircraft, the US Navy has just ordered Boeing to 4 very large autonomous submersibles ORCAeXtra Large Underwater Unmanned Vehicle, an autonomous submarine 15 meters long, propelled by a diesel-electric engine giving it a range of 6500 nautical miles without contact with its parent vessel.

The US Navy wants to experience the ORCA in a wide range of missions, ranging from mine warfare, anti-submarine and anti-ship warfare, as well as intelligence and electronic warfare missions.

Unlike the Russian Status-6 project, the ORCA is not equipped with a miniaturized nuclear reactor, nor is it intended to carry a nuclear payload. However, we can't help but notice the similarities between the two projects

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The US Navy is also interested in another model of autonomous submersible, the LDUUV program, (Large Diameter..) implemented from a Virginia SSN, and operating close to it, carrying out similar missions at XLUUV.

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