RheinMetall offers its Lynx to the Czech Republic

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German manufacturer RheinMetall has officially offered its Lynx tracked infantry fighting vehicle at the Czech Republic as part of its call for tenders for 200 VCI. The German offer is accompanied by a proposal for an advanced industrial partnership, including not only a counterpart of the local manufacture of armor, but a long-term partnership on the manufacture and export of this armor.

This offer, visibly ambitious, is likely to make Belgian industrialists, like CMI, cringe even more about the SCORPION program, France having, apparently, not thought of setting up a partnership of this nature. type with the main Belgian defense industrialists, which led to a bronca with political echoes 1 month ago. If France wants to support its offer of Rafale in Belgium, perhaps it should start by showing its goodwill on the SCORPION partnership contract... It is obvious that this would change many positions in Belgium, in the political, economic and industrial class, which until then had been quite unfavorable to the French offer.

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